Library Mouse: A World to Explore by Daniel Kirk

Library Mouse: A World to Explore

by Daniel Kirk

A wonderful companion volume to the first two books, book #3 explores how to research a subject AND how to overcome one's fears. Library Mouse Sam meets fellow mouse Sarah one night in the library. As they talk, Sam learns that Sarah is quite the explorer and loves to scurry up to the top of the shelves and explore the darkest corners and crevices of the building. Sam never climbs far up - it is so high! And dark corners make him feel anxious. He prefers the moonlight. As they speak further, Sarah learns that Sam knows a great deal about lots of things. He explains he likes to research subjects and write about them. Sarah does not read very much and certainly does not know how to research ideas - could reading and research help her to learn more about the places she discovers or wishes to visit? So Sam shows Sarah how to research material, and Sarah helps Sam overcome his fear of heights and the dark. They become a great team working together.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

*Thanks to Abrams Books for Young Readers for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 4 June, 2011: Finished reading
  • 4 June, 2011: Reviewed