Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother by William Shawcross

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

by William Shawcross

Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes Lyon,the youngest daughter of the Earl of Strathmore, was born on 4 August 1900. It might reasonably have been expected that she would lead a life of ease and privilege but few could have imagined the profound effect she would have on Britain and its people. Her life spanned the whole of the twentieth century and this official biography tells not only her story but, through it, that of the country she loved so devotedly.

Drawing on her private correspondence and other unpublished material from the Royal Archives, William Shawcross vividly reveals the witty girl who endeared herself to soldiers convalescing at Glamis in the First World War; the assured young Duchess of York; the Queen, at last feeling able to look the East End in the face at the height of the Blitz; the Queen Mother, representing the nation at home and abroad throughout her widowhood. It is the definitive portrait of a remarkable woman.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

1 of 5 stars

200 pages in and this one is just boring me silly. On top of that, the book is 1000 pages long and weighs in at 5 lbs (yes I did weigh it LOL), so not something you can just carry with you or even sit and read for long periods of time. Books like this make me really think about getting a Kindle! I may pick it up again at a later date.

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  • 15 December, 2009: Finished reading
  • 15 December, 2009: Reviewed