Faerie Blood by Emma L Adams

Faerie Blood (Changeling Chronicles, #1)

by Emma L Adams

I’m Ivy Lane, and if I never see another faerie again, it’ll be too soon.

Twenty years after the faeries came and destroyed the world as we knew it, I use my specialist skills to keep rogue faeries in line and ensure humans and their magically gifted neighbours can coexist (relatively) peacefully.

Nobody knows those skills came from the darkest corner of Faerie itself.

When a human child disappears, replaced with a faerie changeling, I have to choose between taking the safe road or exposing my own history with the faeries to the seductively dangerous head of the Mage Lords. He’s the exact kind of distraction I don’t need, but it’s work with him or lose my chance to save the victims. It’ll take all my skills to catch the kidnappers and stop Faerie’s dark denizens overrunning the city — but if the faerie lords find out about the magic I stole last time I went into their realm, running won’t save me this time…

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I was given this book in place of an honest review. So to begin with when I picked up this book while on a plane home from Texas, (I was in training for work). That's besides the point. However, the minute I picked up this book I was hooked. If there was more time in the day I would have finished this book quicker than what I did.

Now what I liked about this story is that it's very easy to get into. Very easy to get absorbed into the storyline, and for me I could actually picture a city distraught from a war, and life just carrying on as much as it can.  There were a few minor errors with word placement, and spelling.  But let me reassure you, it doesn't deter from the book itself, just a little editing there and it would be right as rain.

I recommend if you have time or need something new to add to your to be read list, definitely read Faerie Blood. Now I cannot wait to read the next book, to see where this series will take us.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 23 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 23 October, 2016: Reviewed