Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

Gold. Flakes, chunks, or nuggets. It didn't matter what form it took, just as long as it could be traded for food, drink, or women in Deadwood. Becky Finnegan was lucky if the gold she had panned would pay for some food in her belly and not for the drink in her father's stomach. At twenty-three, Becky was one of very few women in Deadwood who hadn't made a career on her back. She mined her father's claim while he reaped the rewards and beat her for kicks.

Jake Anderson, his brother's, Zach and Liam, and Liam's two children, David and Hannah, leave St. Louis to take over the claim right next to Becky's in Deadwood. Running from their own set of problems, the Anderson brothers are looking to set up a simple life for their family. Once Jake gets wind of how Becky's father treats her, the role of protector is added to his new list of duties in Deadwood.

As Jake watches over Becky in the lawless land, he begins to feel things he knows he shouldn't. When Becky's life is threatened in a way she could never imagine, Jake steps in and attempts to keep her safe.

This story takes you on a fast paced journey through the old west with outlaws, deadbeats, and a heroine with a temper as fiery as the hair on her head. Becky's determination and strength held me captive throughout the entire story. The conflict Jake experiences while wrestling with his feelings for Becky and the worry of being a wanted man had me rushing to the next page in anticipation.

Another excellent read from Cynthia Woolf. I can't wait to read what she has in store for the rest of the Destiny in Deadwood series, but I hope it will have Zach and Liam getting a happily ever after as well. If this story piques your interest, check out the three books in Woolf's Matchmaker and Co. series as well.

Thanks so much to Cynthia Woolf and Black Lion Book Tours for granting me with a copy of Redeemed by a Rebel in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 February, 2014: Reviewed