Optimisfits by Ben Courson


by Ben Courson

"Ben Courson is a vital voice for this generation." -Rich Wilkerson Jr.

"This book will give you clear and simple direction to unleash hope, faith, and optimism in your life as you become an Optimisfit!" -Levi Lusko

Op*ti*mis*fit, n: a nonconformist, an adventurer, a person who lives with wild abandon, childlike wonder, and unapologetic optimism.

You were never meant to fit in. You were made to stand out.

With passion, purpose, a large dose of humor, and a wild sense of wonder, Optimisfits offers a road map for a better way to live. It's calling you to seize your status as an outsider and wage a fierce rebellion against the hopelessness of the world by living out an intensely optimistic approach to every day.

Ben Courson and a band of misfits invite you to join them on an epic adventure with God and with the Squad.

#hopeisdope! And it's time to spread it like fire. Are you ready to make a real difference and ignite the world? Join the Optimisfits and see sparks fly!

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

4 of 5 stars

The Furious Longing of Hope. Courson is a clearly well read guy who is clearly a gifted speaker and writer. The beginning and parts of the end of this book felt like they were being shouted through a megaphone, which was actually a cool experience. The overall tone of the book was reminiscent of WWE's Mojo Rawley - All Hype All The Time. And this tone interjected the book with a relentless pace that makes it a fairly quick read, even at its length. Ultimately I find myself dinging it a star due to overuse of cliche, "proof texting" - the practice of making a claim and citing a seemingly random Bible verse in support of it, and a lack of citations. I'm fine with making a claim like "scientists say blah" and moving on with your primary point, but give me the ability to go behind you and verify that they actually said blah. The message itself is great though, and many will find it needed and refreshing. Great book that just could have been better.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 March, 2019: Finished reading
  • 8 March, 2019: Reviewed