Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed Audrey's Guide to Black Magic so much more than the first book! It took all of the good things and made them great! Audrey has come to terms with the fact that she and her mother are witches, but now it's time to come clean to her little sister. Meg, as a mundane, only gets to know this secret because their grandmother has invited them to "the Land" for Christmas break. She takes the news well, but it does put some strain on her relationship with Audrey. What's suppose to be a happy family reunion and holiday celebration takes a dark turn as evil infiltrates the compound and Audrey must once again step up and stop it.

I love love loved the Land! I had first pictured it as very green, speckled with flowers, and quaint cottages scattered about, but it is so much more than that! Yes, nature is the focal point, and there are cottages, but there's also huts, caves, and tree houses! It was very easy to picture and fun to read about. Audrey's Guide to Black Magic also really expands on magic, both light and dark. Just like the first book, there's spells and recipes included, along with Audrey's own random lists of things. I adore these extras. I was really interested in the black magic, even as Audrey was hesitant to try it, even for the greater good. There's some creepy stuff going on! In addition to the amazing location and the magic lessons, we also learn more Audrey's strange connection to Julian. I won't spoil it though!

As for the plot, it moves along quite fast, but never felt jumbled. We finally get to meet Audrey and Meg's mother in Audrey's Guide to Black Magic, since her group of warrior witches and sorcerers return to the compound for awhile. She also has a mission for Audrey: find Cormack's spy. I did figure out the traitor almost immediately. It just took one standout sentence, but I though it was clever rather than just obvious. However, it doesn't play out how I imagined at all. The ending is a bit shocking, and a little sad, but it does have me eager for the next book!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 13 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 13 October, 2013: Reviewed