Awaken My Heart by DiAnn Mills

Awaken My Heart

by DiAnn Mills

1803, Texas . . .

The daughter of a wealthy rancher, Marianne Phillips has never agreed with her father’s harsh treatment of the mestizos who first called Texas their home. When she is kidnapped by rebels who hope that her father will trade back their land for her freedom, Marianne realizes her loyalty lies with her abductors, not her father, who plans to marry her off to the don of a nearby estate.

Armando Garcia is the locals’ reluctant leader, but he does not approve of the latest attempt to manipulate their enemy. When he learns that Marianne actually speaks his language, of her loyalty to his people, and of the faith that keeps her strong, Armando is faced with a difficult decision. Will his newfound love keep him from letting her go? Or will he set her free and risk losing everything?

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

I have to admit that this is my first experience with [a:DiAnn Mills|81639|DiAnn Mills|] and I have to say that I like her. "Awaken My Heart" was thrilling to read. Just the right pinches of rebellion and devotion to God... Real emotions and the struggle to understand them make this book and it's story true to life. An early 19th century Texas Colony Zorro meets Romeo meets Shakespeare in Love. The heroine Marianne is a much better person than I, but she gives me an example of a woman's life that I should strive to be as strong as she. This book does have the desired kidnapping, fall in love, find peace with Christ, someone dies, and an almost happier ever after ending just as most good Christian Inspirational Fiction novels do, but it is even better because it is real and not overly flowery as some. I would definitely read this author again.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 January, 2008: Finished reading
  • 25 January, 2008: Reviewed