Teen Titans: Raven by Kami Garcia, Gabriel Picolo

Teen Titans: Raven

by Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo

A New York Times bestseller!

USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestseller!

When a tragic accident takes the life of 17-year-old Raven Roth's foster mom--and Raven's memory--she moves to New Orleans to recover and finish her senior year of high school.

Starting over isn't easy. Raven remembers everyday stuff like how to solve math equations and make pasta, but she can't remember her favorite song or who she was before the accident. And when impossible things start happening, Raven begins to think it might even be better not to know who she was before.

But as...Read more

Reviewed by Beth C. on

4 of 5 stars

Ok, I'm going to be straight-up honest here. I don't generally read graphic novels, and I am not very familiar with most superheroes...Teen Titans included. But something about this cover drew me in, and it sounded good, and...yeah. Long story short? I *really* like it.

The artwork is fitting - not super bright and colorful, but something that matches the story. The story is interesting, and one that I really enjoyed. The last graphic novel related to a superhero, well...was not. Raven is a typical teen with atypical problems, ones that she isn't even truly aware of when the book starts. And she doesn't come across as whiny, or obnoxious, just a teenager who has some bizarre things going on.

it's short, so the read time won't be long. It is to be part of a series, however, and the ending definitely makes that clear (no spoilers!). And, rare for me, it's a series that I will happily continue reading, even as a graphic novel. I think my 12yo daughter will *also* enjoy this.

NOTE: My arc does have color in it, so that is what I've based my review on? It may change before the final book is printed, however.

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  • 17 May, 2019: Reviewed