Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

God makes all things beautiful in His time

I loved In Spite of Ourselves, a touching story of two people who had never felt they were good enough for their families and how they learned to set their eyes on the One to whom they always mattered.

Jackson Murphy is wonderful! Despite his mistake of getting so drunk he would marry a stranger, he was really a great guy. And you can't argue with me about that because I know. I read the story! And getting drunk wasn't his MO. It was so sweet the way he took responsibility for his actions. Granted, at first it was to hide his behavior from his parents. Then it was because it was the right thing to do. And, because this is a romance, eventually because of love.

Mackenzie was a little bristly. While I often take exception to characters like her and tend to not like them, however author Jennifer Rodewald showed so much of Mackenzie's heart and motivations, especially her fear, I was able to understand and empathize with her. The lies her mother had taught her had caused her to live in fear and loneliness. What a pleasure to watch her blossom under the kindness and love shown her by Jackson and his parents.

Spiritual lessons abound! I enjoyed the illustrations from Bob Ross' teachings and the way he would take what looks like a mess and make it beautiful and how Helen, Jackson's mom, shared from that how God makes the messes of our lives beautiful as well.

Witty repartee peppers In Spite of Ourselves, not making light of the situation and yet keeping it from getting too serious or deep. There was a great blend of seriousness and humor. Mackenzie's lack of pop culture knowledge resulted in some fun confusion as well.

This is a deeply moving story. It stands alone and yet the crazy Murphy Brothers and their parents are in it as well. You certainly don't have to read the entire series to enjoy it but then again, why wouldn't you?

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 28 July, 2020: Reviewed