Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I loved this story. I loved the storyline, which was so different from some of the other NA books out there. The characters, Mason and Reese, had such a depth to them that you couldn't help but fall for them, hoping they would find their way to each other. But what I loved most of all was how their relationship was developed through a solid friendship. Because of Mason's occupation, they both shied away from the physical aspect of a relationship and instead focused on becoming friends. It was something both of them needed...desperately. They came to understand each other on a level no one else did and helped each other find a way to deal with their past.

And while Mason Lowe may now grace my Book Boyfriend Hall of Fame, it's Reese that drew me into this story. She looked past the prejudices of others and herself to see Mason as a person...not the guy who gets paid to have sex. She listened and understood why he did what he did and while she may not have chosen that path, she commended him for doing what he needed to in the name of family. But more than that, she fought for Mason. She helped him see that he was worth so much more than he was giving himself credit for. She was willing to take on the creepy older woman and fight for Mason's freedom.

This was an absolute pleasure to read. The story was well paced and kept me on the edge of my "seat" as I frantically turned pages wondering just how long Mason and Reese were going to hang onto this friendship "thing". Definitely a book I will read again.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 September, 2013: Reviewed