Irish Cooking by Biddy White Lennon

Irish Cooking

by Biddy White Lennon

The Irish are renowned throughout the world for their hospitality and love of good food and drink. This stunning new book offers a fabulous and comprehensive collection of the traditional dishes that have helped to earn Ireland its deserved culinary reputation for excellence and generosity. A carefully selected range of more than 90 delicious step-by-step recipes captures the essence of Irish cooking. There are sections on soups and appetizers, main courses, salad and vegetable dishes, desserts, cakes, bakes, preserves and drinks: each of these sections contains the best-loved typical recipes and authentic favourite traditional dishes that encapsulate the heart of Irish food and cooking. Dishes include all the classics, from Lamb and Vegetable Broth, Pheasant with Oatmeal Stuffing, Champ, and Irish Whiskey Trifle, to Beef and Guiness Casserole, Pratie Apple Pie, and Brown Soda Bread, as well as some more unusual regional specialities, such as Brotchan Foltchep (leek and oatmeal soup). More than 250 specially commissioned colour photographs illustrate how each dish is made, as well as providing a beautiful image of the final dish.
Full nutritional information provides an at-a-glance dietary reference, and there are many suggestions for variations and accompaniments, as well as stories of the history and traditions surrounding the recipes. If you want to learn more about Irish cuisine, find out about its key ingredients and techniques, understand how to prepare the food and cook it successfully, and then discover how to enjoy the earthy flavours that typify it, then this is the book for you.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Yes a lot of the recipes are twee and a bit stage Irish but overall they're not bad and had several people around me drooling at the idea of cooking them. A slight modern slant on many of the recipes this is a recipe book that has ingredients readily available in most Irish shops.

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  • 20 August, 2009: Reviewed