Reviewed by Ing Cruz on

3 of 5 stars

My Thoughts:

Taming the Bachelor pulled me in with the prologue and then maybe the first part of the book. I liked Mark Moretti and was ready to see this self proclaimed bachelor be tamed. I fell in lust with Mark and was ready for a good smexing time with him. So Mark hasn't been home in awhile and now he's back for the first time for his sister Molly's wedding to one of his best friend, Rich. I adored Molly and Rich. They were one of the highlights of the book and I loved how both were supportive of Mark and had his back.

Sophie Barringer who is shy and has had her heart broken just six months ago literally runs smack into Mark on her way to Molly and Rich's engagement party with her shopping cart. Sparks and lots of heat goes off between Mark and Sophie during this run in. Later when they meet up again at the engagement party, the sparks are still there and some heavy lusting is happening between the two. This is a new feeling for Mark and he's really thrown off by his strong physical reaction. As for Sophie she's feeling lots of heat where heat as never been before.

Mark is known for his man whore ways and has vowed to stay single. He's a one night stand kind of guy and knows Sophie deserves better. So he doesn't act on the attraction since Sophie is best friend with his sister, Molly. His vow to stay away is put to the test when the bride and groom-to-be surprises the wedding party with a weekend trip to Jamica.

As I stated above I was ready for some good times to ensue and ready to bask in Mark's sexiness. Mark's character is endearing and he slowly worked his way into my heart. I enjoyed reading his reaction/confusion with his feelings for Sophie. I thought his character was developed pretty well and grew in this story. His transition from a man whore to a one woman man was believable. One of Mark's qualities was his love for his sister. The scenes with them were sweet and melt your heart!

As for Sophie well I didn't care too much for her. I liked her when the book started and I liked her in a couple of other spots throughout the book but she mostly left me frustrated. There were two major plot points in this book where Sophie could have avoided all the heartache she puts herself through if she would have just talked it out. The misunderstanding and lack of communication between both got a bit tiring. Trust is definitely a big part of a relationship and Sophie has some trust issues. She was definitely her worse enemy at times.

Mark and Sophie had no problem with communicating physically. Oh boy the chemistry was very evident between these two. There was a lot of sexy good times. I can't believe I'm saying this but at times I wish they would have talked more instead of jumping into bed as much as they did. To me at times the relationship seemed based more on lust then love. I didn't get enough moments that made me think "wow I see why these two are in love," it was more of "wow I see why they are in lust."

The story line felt a bit rushed at times. There were parts in it that I had to read over because it felt like the author just threw out info that hadn't been explained fully about some of the side characters and their relationship with the hero and heroine. For me it felt like it was thrown out there as if, the reader should understand already some of the dynamics of these relationships. The flow was a bit choppy in some spots. It didn't move into the next point smoothly just felt abrupt between scenes. The miscommunication got old after awhile. There were things happening in this book that didn't make sense or fit at times. I don't want to spoil anything but a phone call to a sibling was made mid-point in the book that doesn't make sense how the hero would have this info and talk to the person as if they been buddies when they hadn't met yet.

Besides Rich and Molly two other secondary character where high points for me in this story. Ryan one of Mark's other best friend who is also a man whore was definitely a delight. He and his perverted ways stole my heart. Layla, who is Sophie's sister is cool. I was intrigued by her character as soon as she stepped into the scene. I'm looking forward to her and Ryan's story. They are going to be fun to read about

Overall for a first book this was a good read. I liked Mark's sexy character. The friendship and some of the silliness happening were entertaining and did keep me turning the pages! I was entertained enough and glimpsed things about the next couple that will have me reading the second book. There isn't a cliffhanger and this book does have an HEA.

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  • 1 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 July, 2013: Reviewed