Venom by Jennifer Estep

Venom (Elemental Assassin, #3)

by Jennifer Estep

What kind of assassin works pro bono?

It’s hard to be a badass assassin when a giant is beating the crap out of you. Luckily, I never let pride get in the way of my work. My current mission is personal: annihilate Mab Monroe, the Fire elemental who murdered my family. Which means protecting my identity, even if I have to conceal my powerful Stone and Ice magic when I need it most. To the public, I’m Gin Blanco, owner of Ashland’s best barbecue joint. To my friends, I’m the Spider, retired assassin. I still do favors on the side. Like ridding a vampire friend of her oversized stalker—Mab’s right-hand goon who almost got me dead with his massive fists. At least irresistible Owen Grayson is on my side. The man knows too much about me, but I’ll take my chances. Then there’s Detective Bria Coolidge, one of Ashland’s finest. Until recently, I thought my baby sister was dead. She probably thinks the same about me. Little does she know, I’m a cold-blooded killer . . . who is about to save her life.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

Ok so these books just keep getting better and better as you go. Ok with the last book, Donovan Caine had left, good riddance to him. But now there is a new Detective in town, who goes by the name Bria Coolidge, some interesting things are at foot with this lady. Can't tell you would ruin some important aspects of the book. Well because of things that had happened in the last book, Roselyn the vampire now has Elliot Slater- Mab Monroe's number one enforcer, he had started stalking Roselyn because of Gin, so GIn and Finn had decided to get rid of Slater once and for all, and have Roselyn rid of him, before she gets hurt or killed. Owen became a good character in this book, he is so sexy hehe. Well one thing I didn't like about this book is how Gin kept blaming herself for Roselyn's predicament, and well even though she was partially at fault Roselyn didn't help matters either near the end of the book. However, this book had created new friendships, and a big WHAMMY for Mab Monroe and her circle. Will be very interesting how the series plays out now.

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  • 11 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 11 November, 2013: Reviewed