Any Rogue Will Do by Bethany Bennett

Any Rogue Will Do (Misfits of Mayfair, #1)

by Bethany Bennett

He ruined her reputation-now he's the only one who can save it

For exactly one season, Lady Charlotte Wentworth played the biddable female the ton expected-and all it got her was society's mockery and derision. Now she's determined to be in charge of her own future. So when an unwanted suitor tries to manipulate her into an engagement, she has a plan. He can't claim to be her fiancé if she's engaged to someone else. Even if it means asking for help from the last man she would ever marry.

Ethan, Viscount Amesbury, made a lot of mistakes, but the one he regrets the most is ruining Lady Charlotte's reputation. Going along with her charade is the least he can do to clean the slate and perhaps earn her forgiveness. Pretending to be in love with the woman he's never forgotten is easy. What isn't easy is convincing her to give him a second chance.

Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars!

Lady Charlotte Wentworth hasn’t had an easy time. Her reputation was ruined years ago, but it didn’t happen the way she originally thought. When in a carriage accident and desperate for help, she rides to an inn where the man who ruined her years before is there to lend a hand.

At first, Ethan, Lord Amesbury, doesn’t recognize the woman beneath the swollen and bloodied face. Once he realizes she is Lady Charlotte, he apologizes for the problems he caused so many years ago. Ethan was never meant to become Lord Amesbury, but after his cousin and his heir perished at the same time, Ethan went from sheepherder to Lord over night. His first year in society, he made many mistakes. Unfortunately, his dealings with Charlotte was one of them.

Throughout the novel, Bennett shows us rich, layered characters surrounded by a fascinating plot. Charlotte and Ethan agree to be friends, but when she needs to separate herself from an annoying suitor, Ethan agrees to a fake engagement. The two soon realize their initial physical attraction from years before was still there. Then as they progressed, they found they could be exactly the partners they each needed.

While it took a while for the pair to get there, the happily ever after was definitely worth the journey. This was my first read from Bennett and I’m excited to read what comes next in this new and exciting series.

I received Any Rogue Will Do for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 28 September, 2020: Reviewed