1: Law Of The Wolf Tower by Tanith Lee

1: Law Of The Wolf Tower (Wolf Tower Sequence)

by Tanith Lee

Orphan-slave Claidi knows nothing but the House, with its lavish extravagance, mindless ritual and cruelty. Then Nemian, an enigmatic prisoner, promises escape and safety if she will free him and journey to his city through the wild and savage Waste. But nothing is as it seems: a tribe that yearns to fly, a city ruled by dolls, clocks that are Gods, strange forests, marvellous beasts - and the nomadic Hulta with their young chief Argul. Most menacing of all, the Wolf Tower broods over Nemian's stone city, ruling a deadly game of chance with the spin of the dice. But no one is ready for Claidi's passion for freedom, her bid to destroy the Law once and for all ...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Cladi is an orphan-slave living in The House and follows the rituals of the House. She also is pubished for minor infractions by the deneziens of the house who think nothing of whipping slaves. A golden stranger arrives, sending eddies through the House, the greatest of which is that Claidi is represented as being of the royal house and sent to the Wolf Tower with this stranger through the savage Waste.

She meets with different people making enemies and friends along the way and when she arrives she finds why she's wanted in the Wolf Tower. But is she willing to play along?

It's interesting, written as journal entries it's fun to see the character develop. I wasn't quite convinced by the relationships but there are limits that people put when they write journals anyway. Largely satisfying and I've put a reserve in the library for the next one.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 December, 2009: Finished reading
  • 3 December, 2009: Reviewed