The Greatest Trade Ever by Gregory Zuckerman

The Greatest Trade Ever

by Gregory Zuckerman

Back in 2006, hunched over spreadsheets, hedge fund titan John Paulson realised that the housing market was vastly overstretched. Fuelled by sub-prime mortgages, it was a classic bubble ready to burst. He had waited his whole life for this perfect trade.
Paulson, who had never dealt in real-estate before, struggled to convince bullish Wall Street investors about the coming crash. But as house prices began to falter and the financial system collapsed, he reaped the rewards. He made a now-legendary series of trades, executed with technical skill and perfect timing.
The results were spectacular. In a single morning in...Read more

Reviewed by remo on

4 of 5 stars

Completísima historia sobre el crack de las hipotecas subprime, centrada en los que apostaron contra ellas y ganaron. Se parece mucho a The Big Short, de Michael Lewis, aunque es a la vez más completo y menos ágil en su estilo de escritura. Aún así es muy interesante.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 October, 2013: Reviewed