Reviewed by limabean74 on

2 of 5 stars


My Review:

I don’t usually review erotica and I don’t usually like to write serious negative reviews but I am making an exception because this book was just a HUGE NO! Nope! No! No! No!

PLEASE NOTE this post has explicit content, I am not sugar coating this so if you are easily offended I suggest skipping this review…Thank you!

I love Jasinda Wilder and I loved her book Falling into You and that was a bit erotic, that book I gave 5 stars and cried like a baby reading it, I consider it one of my favorite books. This book I wanted to cry because I actually read it. This was missing everything, character building, setting and story. I understand it’s erotic but I like a little story with my erotic read, this didn’t have one.

Now I am not saying a hot guy can’t find a heavy girl sexy but this guy was a chubby chaser. This relationship was totally based on the fact he likes heavy girls and wants to bang her. That WAS IT!!! I felt no love, no deep attraction, just the need to have sex. At one point (after meeting yesterday) they are having sex and he takes out a condom, she says no I’m clean…WHAT?!?! He’s says so am I, ok if you are ok with it…WHAT?!?! I understand this is a book but WHAT?!?! Then he ties her to the bed. Um Ya, I met you yesterday you can tie my shoe but not tying me to a bed post.…not going to happen but she was OK with it!!! (of course she was)  I just felt this girl had such low self esteem she was looking for attention in the wrong way, it was more depressing than hot. I almost felt bad for her when the day they met she blows him in the alley, you just meet him and SHE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW HIS LAST NAME. It was like she did it because he showed interest and she assumed that was why he was interested in her. How sad is that? I was just confused by their actions and just didn’t understand what the point of this book was (if there was a point).

I gave it 2 stars because maybe I really missed the point or maybe because I don’t read a lot of erotica I just didn’t get it like a person who reads it all the time. This was just a HUGE NO for me and I rolled my eyes quite a bit throughout the book and I am not a sensitive or a prissy girl, trust me. I enjoy hot sweaty sex in my books but this was 32 pages of just sex that made no sense, I’ve watched porn with a better story. Maybe the series gets better since this is her first book but sadly I will not be continuing with this series, just didn’t work for me.

recommend: I never say don't read a book and since it's 32 pages why not, might not have worked for me but you never know you might love it :)

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life

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  • 17 August, 2014: Reviewed