Reviewed by Caitiebelle on

5 of 5 stars

I don't really know where to start! This universe has me completely spelled...baffled...aching...crying...all the feels come to the surface in this amazing tale and universe that [a:Amelia Hutchins|7092218|Amelia Hutchins|] has created!

We've met Lucien before in the 'Destiny' series, and from the beginning, I straight away wanted to know more about him! What other choice was there? Here was a man so powerful even the Horde King himself was wondering...and Vlad himself was almost afraid of him....

So when I learned that our dear Lucien has his very own book and series? I had to know...

But be warned - to be able to enjoy Amelia's universe to the fullest - it is very much recommended that you read this full universe in order - because these books all interlock and connect and you don't want to be missing any pieces here - TRUST ME! 3

What exactly Lucian is, is never revealed in this book - all we know are little bits of information that makes us realise that he is indeed very powerful - I can tell you, without giving any direct spoilers, that in book 2 [b:Sleeping with Monsters|38715998|Sleeping with Monsters (Playing With Monsters, #2)|Amelia Hutchins||60294402] - we do delve more into detail about who he is..or what? he is... but I've not finished that book yet, so I can't say more than KEEP READING!

Ryder questions Lucian...
“You control hellhounds, and you sure as fuck are not the right-hand man to Lucifer. You told me that you and your people weren’t Lucifer’s demons either; who the hell are you, Lucian?” he demanded. “Think bigger. Right-hand man is nothing more than an illusion, keeping him out of too much trouble is only part of my responsibilities. Looks like he’s chafing at his restrictions and wants to challenge me,”

Lucian and Magdalena's story is very much a love & hate type of thing. They have this chemistry that literally blows up the sky and stars. She hates him but also loves him. He loves her, but also wants to hate her.
The feels are all over the place, but in the end, we see a side of Lucian that is so tragic and beautiful it had my crying...

There is a pain in their much pain. Will they ever get their HEA? We will have to continue their series to find out - because like all the other books in Amelia's universe, it ends on a cliff-hanger.

We meet Ryder, Synthia, Demon, Adam and more in this book - and even though the love, hate and sex is fantastic - the battles are also beautiful, even when gory - scary - triggering and makes you want to reach for a snuggly toy.

It's a fantastic journey, and it's only beginning - because there are so many questions we have yet to have answered!!

Amelia has this way of writing where she doesn't give you all the details in one point of view - but that's ok - because you know that in a different point of view, often in a different book - the same info will be given, but with more details - and you will sit back and go "aaah!" and smile!

It's amazing!

5-all the feels-blue hellfire-stars for this book!!

And I can't wait to finish the next one, and then the 3rd one - and I guess there is even going to be a 4th one, who knows! But so far this is a trilogy.
However, before you go on to read the 3rd book, there are 2 other books to read.... ;)

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  • 12 March, 2020: Reviewed
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  • 12 March, 2020: Reviewed