Stripped by Zoey Castile

Stripped (Happy Endings, #1)

by Zoey Castile

Skilled, sculpted, and sexy, the men of adult entertainment are the kind of guys a woman reserves for her fantasies, not her reality. But is there more to these professional hotties than meets the eye? …
The day Robyn Flores meets Zac Fallon is one of those days. You know, when you’re already late for work. Mostly because you haven’t really slept since your best friend abandoned you for her fiancé and her exponentially better life. The kind of day you drag yourself to the cleaners to pick up your laundry, only to discover you’ve got the wrong bag—Star Spangled sequined thong, anyone? So Robyn is definitely not ready for the ridiculously gorgeous guy at her front door, except that they have each other’s clothes. But then, is any woman ever ready to meet the love of her life?

There’s just one problem: Zac Fallon is not the love of Robyn’s life. Zac knows, despite the
all-too-intimate dinner they share, he doesn’t have a shot at her. Because the next time Zac sees Robyn, he’s front and center of the male revue headlining her best friend’s bachelorette party. So much for wooing the pretty schoolteacher, much less impressing her old-fashioned family, with his upstanding lifestyle. Now he’s only got one way to win his dream girl. It’s gonna be the steamiest, most irresistible seduction she’s ever seen. And this time it will be no act …
 “Castile’s writing sparkles with wit. Readers will swoon for Robyn and Fallon's love story—and their super sexy dance moves!”
—Alexis Daria, author of Take The Lead

 “In a perfect mix of sexy attraction that sizzles on the page and enchanting romance between characters you fall in love with, Castile’s novel hits all the right notes!”
—Priscilla Oliveras, author of Her Perfect Affair

“Zoey Castile is a fresh and fun new voice, and the characters in Stripped will capture your heart (and possibly your dollar bills).”
—Alisha Rai, author of Hurts to Love You

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I never thought I would be using adjectives such as delightful and charming to describe a book about male strippers, but those are words, which really fit this book.


• Robyn - An elementary school teacher, who until this point, was always super focused, organized, and practical, but was now kind of adrift.

• Fallon - Robyn's new neighbor and member of Mayham City, a male exotic dance troupe, who desired "more" and wanted to be seen as more than a stripper.


Zac and Robyn become acquainted via a laundry mixup and a star spangled thong. Sparks fly, and the two decide to embark on an exclusive "fling" for the summer, but when the time comes to say "goodbye", will they be able to walk away?


This book was so much fun! Castile really knows how to strike that balance between sexy and sweet, and I adored every single second of it.

The book opens with Robyn on a hectic morning, and I knew I immediately wanted to be her friend. I think I laughed almost non-stop for the entire first chapter. Robyn was smart and funny and I felt like there was a lot more going on than we were aware of. I so enjoyed getting to know her better and also getting to see her find her happy.

Fallon, Fallon, Fallon. He was just perfection. He was this big, buff guy, who took off his clothes for a living, but there was so much more to him than how he looked or what he did. He was my favorite type of hero - super sweet and thoughtful with a heart of solid gold. I had absolutely no problem cheering for him throughout this book.

Fallon and Robyn were amazing together. The chemistry was off the charts, but it wasn't all white-hot-sexy-times, there were a lot of really tender and sweet moments too, and I definitely had heart eyes while watching these two fall in love.

I enjoyed the rom-com feel, the bromance, the great female friendship, meeting the family -- there were just so many wonderful elements, which contributed to my enjoyment of this book. I am extremely excited that we get Aiden's story next. He was a standout, and I am itching to know more about him.

A strong start to a series I want to read more of. The humor, the romance, and the characters all captured my attention, and I will eagerly await book 2.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 16 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 August, 2018: Reviewed