From Sky to Sky by Amanda G Stevens

From Sky to Sky (No Less Days)

by Amanda G Stevens

Zac Wilson can't die.

Daredevil Zac Wilson isn't the first celebrity to keep a secret from the world, but his might be the most marvelous in history: Zac doesn't age and injuries can't kill him. What's more, he's part of a close-knit group of others just like him.

Holed up in Harbor Vale, Michigan, Zac meets two more of his kind who claim others in their circle have died. Are their lifetimes finally ending naturally, or is someone targeting them--a predator who knows what they are?

The answers Zac unearths present impossible dilemmas: whom to protect, how to seek justice, how to bring peace to turmoil. His next action could fracture forever the family he longs to unite. Now might be the time to ask for help. . .from God Himself. But Zac's greatest fear is facing the God he has run from for more than a century.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Christian Scifi. For those who want a hyper preachy Christian book with a sense of the former Iaon Gruffudd tv show Forever... this is your book. If you liked the show and can withstand hyper preachy Christian elements, you're still going to like this one. Or if you've never seen the show but the general idea of humans that can live forever after ingesting a serum intrigues you... you'll probably enjoy this one too. Overall the story of how a group of people like this find each other and deal with the guilt of having to kill one of their own that turned into a serial killer over the decades while also struggling to uncover why some of them are suddenly aging and dying within days, the story here was well told and intriguing. Just, as mentioned, hyper preachy. Ultimately it is how a reader feels about the hyper preachy element that will likely determine just how high they rate it, for an average reader anyway. (I typically try to not let such things impact how I rate a tale unless they don't fit within the overall structure, and here it is clear from the beginning of the text that this will be that type of book.) Recommended.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 29 February, 2020: Reviewed