Eighth Grade Bites by Heather Brewer

Eighth Grade Bites (Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, #1)

by Heather Brewer

Vladimir Tod has a secret. His mother was human, but his father was a vampire...

With no idea of the extent of his prowess and no one to teach him, thirteen-year-old Vlad struggles daily with his blood cravings and enlarged fangs. And when a strange substitute teacher begins to question him a little too closely, Vlad worries that his cover is about to be blown.

But then he realises he has a much bigger problem. He's being hunted by a vampire killer who is closing in . . . fast!

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

ok I must admit that it's pretty young for someone my age, but I still enjoyed it. I was quirky and light hearted and a quick read although it took me almost 24 hours to read it. I enjoyed it quite well and will continue on with the rest of the series, to see the next adventure in Vlad's life in highschool.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 26 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 26 November, 2011: Reviewed