Smitten by the Brit by Melonie Johnson

Smitten by the Brit (Sometimes in Love, #2)

by Melonie Johnson

Bonnie Blythe has modeled her life after her favorite books. If only her fiance would get on the same page and agree to a wedding date.

She’s not at all bitter that her best friend is getting married to a man she’s known for less than a year, and Bonnie most definitely isn’t thinking about the best man to be, Theo Wharton. It’s just whenever she talks with the blue-eyed Brit, sparks fly.

When a shocking reveal ends Bonnie’s engagement, she accepts a summer teaching job at Cambridge - only an hour away from Theo. Bonnie isn’t...Read more

Reviewed by Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe) on

4 of 5 stars

This was a really fast, good read for me! The characters were well developed, and the plot line kept me hooked until I reached the end. This is definitely worthy of 4 stars and two thumbs up to the author for creating a book that is sure to be a hit with all romance lovers! Well done!

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  • 9 January, 2019: Reviewed