Reviewed by Angie on

1 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Falling for the Pirate was simply dreadful. There is zero chemistry between Nate and Juliana. The relationship development makes absolutely no sense. And Nate is not a pirate. The opening chapter seemed promising, since Juliana traded her fancy dress and petticoats for a boy's chimney sweep outfit, and then broke into a shipping office. She's destitute after her father was arrested for embezzlement, and she's desperate to prove his innocence. Of course, she's caught by one of the new owners and ship captain. Then she falls into the ocean while trying to escape him and develops amnesia. I wasn't sure where the story would go from there, but I didn't expect it to go downhill so fast.

Juliana's lack of memory after Nate apprehends her really didn't add anything to the story. She has no idea who she is, but gathers that she might be a thief, since he did catch her stealing (or so he assumed). But then somehow her logic jumps to her maybe being a prostitute since she's attracted to him. Kind of a leap there! Regaining her memories also allowed for some random remembrance of girl on girl action from her school days, which was so random, and I felt like it was thrown in to be shocking. I didn't for a second believe that Juliana would do that, which made it more annoying.

The romance in Falling for the Pirate was absolutely terrible, which is unforgivable since this is a romance novel! I didn't feel any attraction between Nate and Juliana. Not even a flicker. It felt like they were just going through the motions. But what made it worse was that she offers to pay back his kindness by being his personal whore. I wouldn't have a problem with her giving herself to him, except that he already said he'd help her find a job if she really wanted to pay him back for the medical care, food, etc. And whenever she tries to offer him pleasure, it was so awkward and robotic. I think she was suppose to want it, which is why she offers under the guise of payment, but it really didn't seem that way at all. And somewhere in all that they fall in love. I definitely must have missed that moment, since they had no romantic scenes together at all.

Falling for the Pirate was just a huge disappointment. The romance was abysmal, and calling a man a pirate doesn't make him a pirate. So he's been in trouble with the law and loves the sea? That does not a pirate make! He's just a ship captain and a business man! The revenge plot also didn't hold my interest.

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  • 19 August, 2014: Reviewed