Tempting Danger by Katie Reus

Tempting Danger (Retribution, #2)

by Katie Reus

They’re enemies.

Alena Brennan’s relationship with Andre Makarov is… complicated. The casino magnate was a means to an end. Nothing more. At least that was what she tried to tell herself. Then she fell for him. Hard. But he kicked her out of his life when he discovered her lies.

Now she’s pregnant with his baby.

Andre understands why Alena wanted revenge. His father took everything from her, leaving her an orphan at a young age. But Andre still had to cut her out of his life. Now that his father is dead, she’s safe. He should just move on. But when he learns she’s carrying his child, all pretense is gone—he’ll protect Alena whether she likes it or not. She may kick up a fuss, but Andre knows the gorgeous model with a party-girl rep attracts attention…including the dangerous sort.

Length: novella

Author note: Alena and Andre were introduced in the book Retribution but this can be read as a stand-alone.

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars


Tempting Danger is a sort of continuation from Retribution. While Retribution focuses mostly on Nika and Declan, the overarching story continues. Alena is Nika's older sister and they have finally killed all the people responsible for their parent's murder. However, the trouble isn't done for Alena. She used Andre to get close to his father, the last man she needed to kill. Using Andre left her with guilt...and a baby.

Alena is kind of a badass. She planned and executed 3 people without getting caught. Her relationship with Andre may have started as a ruse, but she did find him to be a caring, good man. She knew he would never forgive her betrayal though. Andre hated his father almost as much as Alena did, so it was no skin off his back when his father died. But he never suspected Alena of the betrayal and his pride was seriously wounded. But, he did have real feelings for her. So, fast forward 4 months, neither of them has gotten over each other, and now she has to tell him she is pregnant. They both are a bit skittish around each other. She can't believe he would forgive her so easily, he is determined to be an alpha caveman and keep her. Communication between these two is dicey and become the major stressor in the story. While not my favorite trope, it was all very understandable and natural for the history these two had with each other. Overall, Tempting Danger gives you an alpha male, a strong female, a touch of actual danger, and an unexpected baby that you can read in one sitting!


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: fake relationship, surprise pregnancy

  • Triggers: none

  • Series/Standalone: series (I really think its best to read these in order; its not necessary, but it would be so much better!)

  • Cliffhanger: no

  • HEA: yes with epilogue

growly alpha male heroes like those in books by Alexa Riley, Aurora Rose Reynolds, Harper Sloan...then you will probably like Tempting Danger!


Tempting Danger

See full review on The Book Disciple

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  • Started reading
  • 30 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 30 November, 2017: Reviewed