Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

2 of 5 stars

"I am who I am because of the cards I've been dealt. I know that now. My life wasn't all bad."


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Before I say anything else about this book, I should say that my copy of this book was missing some parts here and there so I might have missed something. (I doubt it, but it's possible.)

I really struggled with this book and it ended up falling a little flat for me.
I was expecting this to be a story about a girl mechanic that has an ability that helps her be able to do repairs super fast. Instead what I got was a teen romance story with racing and a small amount of actual mechanic work.
I feel like I should also mention that I haven't watched much NASCAR at all, but I do have a brother who would watch car repair shows all the time growing up and still talks about repairing cars and car parts all the time so I did have a fairly good grasp on what she should be doing to repair the cars.
Lexi ended up only repairing the car once and we only saw her go to the shop once and work their as well. Most of the time she just ended up following Dean and Colton and doing her school work.
Lexi was constantly working on controlling her ability and going back and forth from avoiding Colton to being inseparable from him.
I feel like if you go into this book thinking of it as a romance you will enjoy it, but if you go into it thinking it's going to be about cars you will be highly disappointed.

The story-line itself was well-paced except for the part right before the ending where we jumped forwards a couple of months which was a little strange.
I think there could either be a book two for this story or maybe even a novella because it does end with a potential opening for another one.

"For the first time since Mama died, I had a home, a purpose. People actually cared about me and wanted to help me achieve something better than the solitary life I'd envisioned for myself. Funny how I needed to leave to realize and appreciate all that. "

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 13 March, 2016: Reviewed