Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed "Breaking In the New Guy". I like paranormal romances, and shape shifter/wolves are a favorite. They're mysterious and sexy. I like a bit of depth with my Man love, and this one has that in spades.

I don't want to give away too much of the story, so just let me give you a small rundown. Luke is just out of a relationship (the ex is a cheating bastard), and he's not looking to rebound. Brandon isn't looking for a relationship either, so they find themselves in a bar having a few drinks and...maybe a little anonymous fun?

The story takes off from there. The boys are introduced to each other through a mutual friend...who I absolutely adored! She was hilarious, and I want to be just like her when I grow up. "Breaking In the New Guy" has pretty much everything. Romance, mystery, secrets, and action. Oh, and there's sex. Lots of hot, steamy, panty melting sex. Brandon and Luke are meant for each other the moment the meet, and it's obvious. They have a great chemistry.

It's not a long book, and that's fine by me. Sometimes, I just really like a book that is short, sweet, and to the point. Certainly, I want character development and an actual plot. I don't something that's just a bit of cheesy dialogue between the sex. I got what I needed with this one. This is the first title I've read from JC Holly, and I'm going to search for, and read, more of them.

I highly recommend this book. Whether it's shifters that you love, or if you're into the heat two men can create together, this is for you.

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 15 November, 2014: Reviewed