Nightshade by Maryrose Wood, The Duchess of Northumberland

Nightshade (Poison Diaries, #2)

by Maryrose Wood and The Duchess of Northumberland

In late eighteenth-century Northumberland, England, sixteen-year-old Jessamine Luxton is so desperate to find Weed, who her father says deserted her when she was at death's door, that she asks for help from the evil Oleander.

Reviewed by ladygrey on

1 of 5 stars

I knew going into it what this story would be. I mean, I didn't know the particulars, that's why I read it. But I knew it would be a shell and not actually anything fully formed.

The characters were as thinly sketched as ever though the plot was larger, both with more elements and a broader scheme. It was dark and gothic... but it wasn't complex or fascinating or even revolting because there was no substance to any of it. Still, I read it because I was curious and knew there wasn't much harm in a book I could finish in a few hours.

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  • 1 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2012: Reviewed