Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

So we are finally at the tenth and final episode of season two and it’s been a wild ride for sure! So much has happened in this past season and so much has changed. The whole serial has been a whirlwind of emotions and I think Betrayal really manages to encapsulate all of that.

Vanora’s life keeps changing in front of her eyes and I don’t envy her situation at all. She’s had to deal with so much and she’s been incredibly strong through all of it, even when it felt like she had no true choices. In some sense she has managed to adapt to the horror and while her beautiful innocent is finally stripped away completely she has become fiery in her refusal to give up. We also get some more insight on some notable characters that I really appreciated. We get to see how Alisha deals with her visions, we learn a bit more about Leto (who I am immensely curious about), Greg Brady has a past I didn’t expect, and Carlotta has a surprising softness.

Aeron is really creepy in his almost desperate desire to claim Vanora and it’s really interesting to see just how far he’s willing to go. As you all know by now Armando is my favorite and it hurts my heart to see him struggle so hard to turn his back on Aeron, and even though I know gothic horror rarely has happy endings I really wish that for him and Vanora. Some people are redeemed in this one and others haven fallen to their death or the ruin of others, and I was surprised to see just who fell into what category.

If you haven’t picked up this episode yet, do it! In fact if you haven’t tried out this serial I really urge you to give it a shot. It has all the moody atmosphere of a gothic novel but it’s combined with a quick and gripping pace that makes it hard to stop reading.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 19 December, 2013: Reviewed