Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant

Into the Drowning Deep (Rolling in the Deep, #2)

by Mira Grant

'VISCERAL . . . IRRESISTIBLE . . . a claustrophobic, deep-sea terror tale that will leave readers glad to be safely on dry land' Kirkus


Seven years ago the Atargatis set off on a voyage to the Mariana Trench to film a mockumentary, bringing to life ancient sea creatures of legend.

It was lost at sea with all hands. Some have called it a tragedy; others have called it a hoax.

Now, a new crew has been assembled to...

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Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

Into the Drowning Deep is the second book in the Rolling in the Deep series by Mira Grant. I know sometimes you can skip the novella that comes before a novel, but trust me: don’t do that here. If you haven’t read Rolling in the Deep, go read that before you start Into the Drowning Deep. It’ll have so much more impact if you do.
A lot of the events in this novel refer back to events in Rolling in the Deep, so I really do mean it when I say you should read them in order. Plus, it’s just more fun this way. You’ll have a better understanding of the characters and the situation. Okay, I’m done pressing the point. I promise.
Also, just a quick side note before we begin: Mira Grant is also known as Seanan McGuire. Mira Grant is the pen name she uses for her science fiction and thriller series.
If you’ve ever wanted to read a series about killer mermaids, then this is the series for you. Best of all, Mira Grant writes them in a way where they seem biologically feasible. It adds to the believability in the series.
Mira Grant has quickly become one of my favorite authors, and it’s all because of this series. Rolling in the Deep was the first Mira Grant novel I read. And from that moment on I was sold.

Warnings: This is a novel about killer mermaids. There are going to be graphic points in it, for obvious reasons. The worst parts include animal death (you can see when this scene is coming, and can easily skip it if you need to, I promise), and abusive behavior from an ex-boyfriend (the type that hasn’t really gotten over the breakup, and wants to make their ex pay).
Into the Drowning Deep was a captivating story. I love that it tied in so heavily with the events of Rolling in the Deep. It added more emotional impact, for one thing. It also made for a stronger starting point with this novel. There was less work to be done, so we could more easily get on to the fun parts, so to speak.
The novel is written in an interesting storytelling style. At the beginning of every chapter there are newspaper excerpts, journal logs, or other things like that. It added to the reality of the situation, while also giving us different perspectives and facts without really disrupting the plot.
There was so much I loved about this novel. The killer mermaids are an obvious part. I love how much work was put into having them make sense. I know I said that in my review of the novella, but that’s even more the case now. These people were expecting to find something, and were ready to study it. Thus we learned even more about the mermaids, or rather, sirens, this time around.
I particularly enjoyed the parts discussing their language. And honestly, I did enjoy the unintentional biological defense they had. It makes complete sense, and it did sort of lend to the perfect karmic moment along the way.
During Rolling in the Deep I mentioned how appreciative I was that they warned us right from the start that none of the crew survived. In the Drowning Deep didn’t do that. It simultaneously terrified me and gave me hope. I bounced back and forth between those two emotions the whole novel. I immediately got attached to some characters, while also being too terrified to be fond of them (again, for obvious reasons). The whole thing was really well done.
I don’t know if Mira Grant is going to write another sequel or not. I’d honestly love to see more from this world, but I also understand if she decides not to do so. At least there’s plenty of other works by her that I can read next.

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