Motorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley

Motorcycle Man (Dream Man, #4)

by Kristen Ashley

Get ready to ride . . .

Tyra Masters has had enough drama to last a lifetime. Now, she's back on track and looking forward to her new, quiet life. Until she meets the man of her dreams. The tattooed, muscled biker plies her with tequila-and the best sex of her life. She knows it isn't the tequila and hot sex talking. He's the kind of man she's always wanted. Unfortunately, he's also her new boss . . .

Kane "Tack" Allen has a rule. He doesn't employ someone he's slept with. So when he learns he spent last night in...

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Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars

I really think Tack might be my most disliked hero. His behavior is abhorrent. He acts first and expects total obedience. Often, what is is expecting of Tyra is her willingness to just "accept his life". When she pushes back, he gets aggressive. He explains himself at times but it doesn't change his actions. He expects Tyra to fit to his expectations and there is no thought to him changing his ways at all.
However, I liked the story (except him) so I am still giving it 3 stars. I'm just really disappointed that Tack is considered a "hero" of a story when he is really an asshole.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 12 December, 2018: Reviewed