Lord Of Ice by Gaelen Foley

Lord Of Ice (Knight Miscellany, #3)

by Gaelen Foley

Damien Knight, the earl of Winterley, is proud, aloof, and tormented by memories of war. Though living in seclusion, he is named guardian to a fellow officer's ward. Instead of the young homeless waif he was expecting, however, Miranda FitzHubert is a stunning, passionate beauty who invades his sanctuary and forces him back into society. Struggling to maintain honour and self-control, Damien now faces an ever greater threat: desire. A bold, free spirit, Miranda has witnessed the darkest depths of Damien's soul - and has seen his desperate need for love. But before she can thaw his unyielding heart, she must endure a terrifying nightmare of her own . . .

Reviewed by mitabird on

3 of 5 stars

Lord of Ice was OK. I really enjoyed the first 3/4 of the book. I felt sorry for Damien having to deal with his PTSD and I admired how Miranda did her best to try to help him overcome his demons. However, once they uttered the "love" word, the romance become sappy and the rest of the story so predictable that I just didn't care how it was going to end.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 January, 2009: Finished reading
  • 12 January, 2009: Reviewed