Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This offering from Robbie Terman is a delightful treat. It begins with the ambitious Ashton, a chef with a restaurant that’s struggling to stay open for business. From the start, you can tell that she’s determined, hardworking and tenacious. She works diligently to ensure that her dream stays alive. This is why she has no choice but to reluctantly appear on a reality television show that features chefs vying for the chance to reach celebrity status. During the taping, you see Ashton fighting tooth and nail for herself and her food, determined to let nothing stand in her way of success. That is until she meets the charming and sexy celebrity chef and host, Ty Cates. The moment they meet, sparks fly, and Ashton’s fight involves more than just food, but also her heart.

This story is warm, fun and wonderfully written. It’s fast-paced and draws you in from the very start. The characters of Ashton and Ty have incredible chemistry that flies off of the page. Their instant attraction for one another is catching, and it’s so much fun to watch them develop their feelings from the rush of love at first sight, to the decision of whether or not to risk everything for true love. Ashton and Ty are well developed, deep characters that you find yourself attached to on such an intense level that their intimate moments go beyond erotic.

I can honestly say that this book was so good, I read the entire thing in one sitting. I could not put it down before I knew what was going to happen next! It made me laugh, cry and renew my faith in the awesomeness that is love at first sight.

Reviewed by Marie for Cocktails and Books

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  • 24 July, 2013: Reviewed