Reviewed by reveriesociety_ on

4 of 5 stars

What can I say? When have I been able to resist a beautiful cover?

Now, on to the story.

the reason for the -1.5 stars

Once I started reading, some things became clear. When the synopsis says Written in three installments, it’s not about it being a trilogy. I have the feeling it really is just one book divided in three parts.

I say this because it was a new experience for me, to read something like that. So I’m not sure how it will be received by other people.

For me, it isn’t necessarily bad. It’s just that, as usual, I had other expectations. A bigger sense of completeness? No Ordinary Star is more like a prequel. It’s not that nothing happens. But just not enough? If I had known this before, I’d have been more prepared and the shock when it ended wouldn’t have existed.

There’s also the fact that since this entire first part is sort of like an introduction, there’s a lot of flashback action going on, and sometimes it could be confusing.

Now, on to the extraordinary!

in spite of being an introduction, it does have some key points that break up the narrative

It was still a little weird, but I was extremely grateful that the book followed the structure of having some key events that change the game.

i’m a sucker for new worlds

So yeah, the author presents an entirely different world, where men and women fit in an entirely different manner than we do today. There’s so much potential to explore here, and I can’t wait to see how she uses it to tell a beautiful and meaningful story.

For example, there is the face that people don’t have parents in this world. Everyone’s engineered, using women’s eggs. Without them really happy to do it. They’re forced damn it. And that’s awful. And the level of entitlement Felix has at the very beginning? I wanted to punch him.

Ah, but that’s good. That’s some complex dynamics that will make the story much more interesting.

the characters grow in this 1/3 of a book

Which is kind of amazing. Even in this small part of the story, the two main characters already have learned so much. I wouldn’t say changed, but grown. They both have begun a journey towards the recovery of their own lives, their humanity, and I like what I’ve seen about it so far.


-You’ve read Winterspell by Claire Legrand, and loved it
-You loved the Starbound trilogy
-It doesn’t bother you that this reads more like a very long first chapter than a first book in a series
You’re also a sucker for fantasy/sci-fi worlds

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  • Started reading
  • 28 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 28 August, 2017: Reviewed