The Most Famous Ice Rink in the World by

The Most Famous Ice Rink in the World

This special book has been produced using dozens of amazing, real life stories. These recollections - spanning the decades the rink operated between 1928 and 1992 - vividly recreate the atmosphere and enjoyment of skating at Richmond Ice Rink.Whether you laugh - or cry - at these memories, they all underline the community spirit and love that still exists for the much missed Richmond Ice Rink.As well as a local interest title, the book has a broad appeal within the Ice Skating fraternity all over the globe - Richmond really was the most famous ice rink in the world as the stories in the book (which include a foreword from Torvill and Dean) underline.

Reviewed by sg_halifax on

4 of 5 stars

My heart is so happy that this book was written. A fascinating history of the famous Richmond Ice Rink full of memories of those who had connections to the venue.

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  • 10 January, 2023: Reviewed
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  • 10 January, 2023: Reviewed