Close Contact by Lori Foster

Close Contact (Body Armor, #3)

by Lori Foster

"MMA fighter Miles Dartman's casual arrangement with personal shopper Maxi Nevar would be many men's fantasy. She seeks him out, they have mindblowing sex, she leaves. Rinse, repeat. Yet lately, Miles wants more. And when Maxi requests his services via the Body Armor security agency, he's ready to finally break through her defenses--and protect her day and night. Receiving a large inheritance has brought chaos and uncertainty into Maxi's life. Her ex has resurfaced, along with lots of former "friends," and someone is making mysterious threats. Then there's Miles, who doesn't ask for anything...except her trust. Pleasure is easy. Now Maxi has to give her heart as well as her body...or risk losing a man who could be everything she needs."--provided by publisher.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Close Contact is Miles "The Legend" Dartman's story. He left MMA fighting at the top of his career, and even his closest friends don't know why. He is now working at Body Armor Security and receives a summons from the owner, Sahara Silver. When he arrives in her office he is shocked and dismayed to see Maxi Nevar, a woman he had a connection with, but who dumped him with nary a word. Maxi's world is upside down and one of the reasons she cut ties with Miles, but she is in trouble and needs help. Someone she can trust, so she hires Miles through Body Armor.

Maxi has inherited her Aunt's farm complete with a dozen or more cats. Her siblings are furious, and someone or something appears to be moving things in her home. When she awakens near the pond and has no memories of how she got there, she becomes fearful. We soon discover her fears are founded. Oh boy, the setup was great, and you'd have to be blind not to notice the sizzling chemistry between these two.

Suspense, danger and these two alone on a farm in the middle of nowhere fueled this heated, heartfelt romance that fans are sure to love. While there is heat, Foster also allowed the relationship to develop through conversation, interests, and trust. Their relationship, actions, and words felt genuine and had me rooting for a happily ever after.

Goats, kittens and giant turtles added to the story. I adored the farm setting. Aside from the immediate threats, I found myself envious of Maxi's digs. Miles is all alpha and visions of him making repairs to the barn and digging post holes left me blushing. Foster gives us his backstory, and we learn how he ended up with Body Armor. We also learn some things about other fighters, and I enjoyed these tidbits. For fans of the series and the Ultimate series, we get to see favorite characters as Miles works to make the farm safe. We also get to spend some time with Sahara, and I cannot wait for her story. Fast Burn is set to release in March of 2018.

The Body Armor series features former MMA fighters from the Ultimate series whose stories we did not get. It is not necessary to read the Ultimate series, and in fact, each novel will work as a standalone, but fans are rewarded with updates and character face time.

Close Contact was another exciting installment. Foster gave us plenty of possible suspects and motives that quite honestly kept me guessing until the end. The story was well balanced weaving both the suspense angle and romance together. Whether you are a fan or new to the series, it offers up the perfect romantic suspense. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 19 October, 2017: Reviewed