Fatal Exchange by Lisa Harris

Fatal Exchange (Southern Crimes, #2)

by Lisa Harris

Emily Hunt might come from a family of cops, but she never goes looking for an adrenaline rush. She lives the quiet--well, relatively quiet--life of a teacher and thrives on making a difference in the lives of her students. But she'll have to draw on a well of strength and savvy she didn't know she had as student Rafael Cerda takes her class hostage for ransom money to save his brother's life.

Undercover cop Mason Taylor has been working with Rafael to find his brother and bring the cartel thugs who hold him to justice. Can he talk Rafael down from his impulsive actions? And is there something more sinister at work here than he realizes?

Fatal Exchange draws readers into a complex matrix of intertwining lives and unraveling secrets, where every answer creates more questions. Romantic suspense fans will hardly want to come up for air.

Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

I'm not remotely religious so this was never going to be a total win for me. But I read a bit of everything and if it sounds good I'm willing to give it a shot. That being said I do usually find Christian fiction a little preachy - it's just so wholesome - but then it's also precisely what you would expect a Christian book to be - so I shouldn't rate it down but I kind of do. So Lisa Harris - it's not you, it's me.

I enjoyed this one more than the first one in this series. Emily and Mason were more appealing characters and I was more interested in Rafael and what happens. The hunt for the department mole continues in this one as well and I'll be reading the next one to discover the whole mystery.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2017: Reviewed