Sympathy for the Devil by Terrence McCauley

Sympathy for the Devil

by Terrence McCauley

OLD WAR. NEW ENEMIES. THE DEVIL HAS ARRIVED. The University has been a clandestine organization since the days of the OSS. The University and its agents have always lived in the shadows; using its vast intelligence resources to help defeat the Nazis, end the Cold War and strike back at terrorists all over the globe. They have been at the forefront of global espionage for decades. Entrusted with running The University, James Hicks is one of the most powerful--and secretive--men alive. But when Hick's brilliant protege is turned by a terrorist group that has alarmingly already begun operating on...Read more

Reviewed by Steve Manke on

5 of 5 stars

An uncomplicated, to the point, espionage story. Great characters and a solid plot. I'm looking forward to the next book.

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  • 5 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 5 December, 2016: Reviewed