Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

The mystical town of Whisper Hollow is cut off from the rest of the world and inhabited by unique humans and supernatural beings. Lay-lines run through the town and the veil between the living and dead is thinner. Families stay for generations, and others find themselves drawn to Whisper Hollow and never leave. The town holds secrets and all is not as it seems. Do not ignore the hair- raising feeling on the back of your neck or the warning calls of the crows.

I am tickled that I decided to read Autumn Thorns. Galenorn's books have a readability about them that allow the reader to slip into the stories she creates. She brilliantly described the town and provided a solid understand of the world all while dangling information about things to come. She cleverly weaved in Irish and Russian lore, magic, supernatural creatures and unique methods to create both the tone and the setting. The whole book had a spooky, creepy, otherworld vibe too it and I quickly fell under its spell.

Our protagonist is Kerris Fellwater. She has inherited her grandmother’s home and her gift. Her family has been charged with taking care of the dead/spirits. Kerris left Whisper Hollow for city life in Seattle, but signs began appearing telling her it was time to return home. With her grandmother's passing she must quickly assume her role as spirit shaman to protect the living from the dead. Secret societies, murder, prophecies, and dark unnatural things moving against Kerri added suspense and danger to this well-paced story.

Kerris is not going to be a pushover, and while she does not know all the rules involving her gift, she is quick on her feet and lets fact rule. I love how strong she is and imagine she will be a force to be reckoned with. Bryan is her mysterious neighbor and love interest. Bryan’s history is interesting and his role will be an important one. He is quiet, and protective. He does not strut around like an alpha unless necessary or during playful times making him quite swoony. I absolutely adored Kerris’s best friend Peggin. The girl has spunk, attitude and packs heat. We meet other key players, and those in power. We learn of our enemies and are giving hints of what to expect as we continue the series.

Autumn Thorns delivers a heated romance as it aligns Kerris with those who will strengthen her gifts. The romance was steamy but remained a side dish to the overall storyline. It had believability and their physical and emotional responses felt genuine.
Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 21 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 October, 2015: Reviewed