Hope Flames by Jaci Burton

Hope Flames (Hope, #1)

by Jaci Burton

When it comes to love, they already know the rules…by heart.
Thirty-two and finally setting up her veterinary practice in the town she once called home, Emma Burnett is on her own and loving it. Independent and driven, she’s not letting any man get in the way of her dreams. Not again.
That’s fine with Luke McCormack. Divorced and hardly lacking in female company when he needs it, he’s devoted to the only faithful companion in his life—his police dog. Still, there’s something about Emma he can’t shake.
When a series of local break-ins leaves Emma vulnerable, she seeks help from the first man to spark her desire in years. And now they’re giving each other something they thought they’d lost forever…hope.


Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

3 of 5 stars

I am a Play-by-Play fan, so I thought I would try this series. It's fun, it's cute, and I was entertained. I found the hero and the heroine very likable, and enjoyed them watching them both try to unload their baggage, when they realized they could not fight their feelings for the other person. I wasn't blown away, but it wasn't a waste of time either.

Overall: enjoyable read, which left me with a smile.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 27 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 April, 2017: Reviewed