Big Love by Sarah Dunn

Big Love

by Sarah Dunn

This is a sassy, fresh and hilarious debut novel for anyone who's ever lost a man, discovered great sex or found the perfect romance. When Alison sends her boyfriend Tom out in the middle of a dinner party to buy Dijon mustard, the last thing she expects is his phone call telling her that he isn't coming back, not now, not ever. While Alison tries to figure out where she went wrong with Tom, she realises she has some serious catching up to do and that when freedom beckons, you'd be mad not to follow. After all, of the two men she's slept with, one was gay and one was Tom. She's got a handsome new boss, decades of evangelical guilt to offload and an urge to have undefined-yet-presumably-meaningless sex with the aforementioned boss. But is this enough? And if Tom isn't the Big Love, who on earth is?

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

I was pleased with this book. I really liked the author’s conversational tone, and I could understand exactly why she thought the things she did, sometimes. And I even wanted to scream at her at times and cheer for her at others, much like her friends did. It was a quick read (I essentially read it in a day), but that’s sort of what I’m into right now — short attention span theater.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 January, 2006: Finished reading
  • 23 January, 2006: Reviewed