The Exceptionally, Extraordinarily Ordinary First Day of School by Albert Lorenz

The Exceptionally, Extraordinarily Ordinary First Day of School

by Albert Lorenz

On the first day back to school from the summer holidays, Billy is the new kid. When the librarian asks him if the school is any different than his last one, he begins a wildly imaginative story, concocting all sorts of hilarious scenarios about what the bus was like (it was like a safari, not a boring old yellow one), the school's architecture (a castle), the lunch room (a menu that includes worms!), the classrooms and much, much more. His imagination wins him the attention and awe of his librarian and peers, setting the tone for a wonderful story about conquering the fears of being the new kid, as well as the first day jitters of school that many children experience.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

2 of 5 stars

*Thanks to Abrams Books for Young Readers for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 16 July, 2011: Finished reading
  • 16 July, 2011: Reviewed