Reviewed by Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews on

3 of 5 stars

This may sound strange, but while reading Birth of an Assassin I was reminded of the tv show Scandal. There is one episode in particular, where we learn about Huck and why/how he became a professional killer. A short autobiography if you will, and perhaps on a longer scale, Birth of an Assassin reminded me of that. Although I was also reminded of Kerry Washington's character, Olivia Pope, a fixer and wearer of many hats. That is basically what Jez does for his Sisters, he covers up their wrongs, and like Bill Clinton trys to keep "I had sexual relations" under-wraps. I admit that that would be a little nasty as they are his sisters, but the general idea is there -- keep my sisters hidden.

Birth of an Assassin was a page turner, I became tense while reading, it gripped me in and would not let go. Besides an interesting plot, the characters were well developed too and could picture his sister's reactions to their new found reality and the strenuousness of the situation for Jez in a sense heartbreaking as he is torn between alliances. He loses either way, and just made me sad. Time spent reading Rik Stone's was not a loss of time but rather a loss into my imagination and unwilling to emerge.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 April, 2014: Reviewed