Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Taylor Brooks has written another gem with "Paul's Possession". I loved it from beginning to end.

Paul has a problem. He took off with his his boyfriend thinking that they were going to live the perfect life in Colorado. Unfortunately, his boyfriend is an a$$hole. He leaves Paul alone and money, no car, no place to live. He meets Josh when he's at rock bottom. He's the police officer called to oversee poor Paul's eviction from his apartment. However, there's something about Paul that makes Josh want to help him out. Without really even giving it much thought, he's offered to let Paul stay with him until he could get on his feet.

Things really take off from there. This isn't a long read at nearly 39,000 words, so it moves pretty fast. That's ok, though. It works for the story. Paul and Josh have INSTAN'T chemistry, and my oh my, it's explosive! These guys are perfect for each other. They develop strong feelings for each other quickly, and the feelings run deep. The sex scenes are amazing! They're hot, but they're romantic. I'm starting to have a real affinity for MM books. There's something about two men in love that I find beautiful, and Taylor Brooks really captures that beauty.

This is book five in the "Rocky Mountain Man Hunt Series", and there IS a subplot that is exciting and also scary. I suppose you could read "Paul's Possession" as a stand alone, but I truly recommend that you start from the beginning with "Shepherd's Bliss". Doing this will help you appreciate these stories so much more. I've really enjoyed all of them, and if you're a fan of some really hot manlove, and a well written, smooth
plot, then I'm sure you will too.

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 3 August, 2014: Reviewed