Reviewed by anastasia on

5 of 5 stars

**ARC was provided by the Author for an honest review**

Upon reading the synopsis of this book, I didn't know if this book would be humorous, action-packed, or mysterious. But as soon as i started reading the novel I was hooked! Immortal Eclipse is an action-packed, character driven novel that is guaranteed to give you goosebumps!

The main character is Skylar Blackwell. She was a fantastic protagonist, interesting to read about, she is kick ass, witty, and quite the fashonista! Her character in a sense made the book come alive, especially when she arrives at Summerwind Mansion. Her interactions with the mansion's staff really make this novel shine. There is definitely something sinister going on at Summerwind and Skylar is determined to get to the bottom of things, no matter what. Underneath all that love of material things, she really was a compassionate person; her family meant the world to her.Dorian!!! :) A very intriguing character and Skylar's love interest. But he kept pushing her away. However in the end I understand why he did the things he did.

I loved this book, it was really good, the story-line is captivating and you wont be able to put the book down! I really enjoyed this book, and highly recommend it to people in the mood for a paranormal mystery with a creepy haunted house feel and If you are looking for a gripping tale of action, romance, loss, and all things that go bump-in-the-night, then this is the book for you!!

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  • 2 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 2 May, 2013: Reviewed