Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

The first half or so I enjoyed. I mean it's not a thriller or that but it was mindless entertaining fluff. The wolf aspect wasn't exactly prominent - although it was the catalyst for most of the events in the book. Wes was a pretty alright character if not a bit absent minded. He wasn't very alpha like - he was more puppy like. Madeline was kind of whiny and ridiculously naive. She started off smarter but she got dumber as the book progressed. The villain was an idiot and the whole plotline there didn't make much sense. Nor did the plotline for Lucy. The one for Sophie started out strong and then just fizzled. The plot itself was okay right up until the cheating. It was just random. It was an unneeded complication. They could've just had conflict with the father or something but the whole fleeing thing was just ridiculous. And it was just all downhill from there. It just kept getting more ridiculous and annoying as it went. The first three quarters or so I'd rate a solid three stars. Not necessarily everyone's tastes but easy mindless entertaining fluff - beach read for example. The last I'd give a one. I'm going to split the difference for the final rating and give 2 stars.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 23 May, 2018: Reviewed