Spit and Polish by Lucy Lethbridge

Spit and Polish

by Lucy Lethbridge

In the late nineteenth century, general housework in the British home was so labour intensive that it required an army of servants to undertake it. Since then, the ways in which we look after our homes may have changed dramatically but the best and simplest of methods from that time still work for us today.
From floor to ceiling, and leaving no awkward corner untouched, here are the tricks and techniques that generations once took for granted, distilled for modern use: how to get rid of water marks or heat rings on polished wood; the antibacterial qualities of simple vinegar; the damp cloth versus the dry duster; and using lemon juice to clear limescale.

Combining fascinating 'below-stairs' social history with startling facts and useful tips, Lucy Lethbridge restores fast-disappearing skills to keep at bay dust, rust, mildew, stains and pests. Here, beautifully illustrated and entertainingly presented, are a bygone era's keys to a clean house.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3.5 of 5 stars

A sweet little book that talks about "Old Fashioned Ways to Banish Dirt, Dust & Decay".     The illustrations from old advertisements and vintage photographs add a lot to the overall layout and appeal, and there are a few really good tips, but most of what is here is what I already knew or what I already use.  The stuff I would like to try I'd have liked more details about (how does one stew fig leaves?).   A great little find in a recent sale; I might have been more disappointed had I paid full price for it though.  Great concept - I'd have just liked it expanded on a bit.

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  • 10 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 10 December, 2016: Reviewed