Against the Ropes by Sarah Castille

Against the Ropes (Redemption, #1)

by Sarah Castille

Makayla never thought she'd set foot in an elite mixed martial arts club. But if anyone needs a medic on hand, it's these guys. Then again, at her first sight of the club's owner, she's the one feeling breathless. The man they call Torment is all sleek muscle and restrained power. Whether it's in the ring or in the bedroom, he knows exactly when a soft touch is required and when to launch a full-on assault. He always knows just how far he can push. And he's about to tempt Makayla in ways she never imagined ...

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

3 of 5 stars

Rating: 3.5 Stars

This was a fun romance. I really like Max and Makayla. Max was an alpha to the nth degree, but it all came from a good place, and he wore his heart on his sleeve. Makayla was fun and quirky, with a wicked sense of humor. I sighed, and smiled often.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 18 March, 2016: Reviewed