The Set-Up by Liz Allen

The Set-Up

by Liz Allen

Number One disappears after a night out with her girlfriends. She was young, successful and beautiful. Number Two disappears after working late at the office. She was young, successful and beautiful. Number Three disappears after a business trip to New York. She was young, successful and beautiful. The Dublin police are baffled, and call in Kate Waters, crime profiler, to give them a lead. Kate welcomes the job, but she has a history with the lead detective on the case, Timmy Vaughan, and they both fight to keep things on a firmly professional footing. As the investigation progresses, Kate and Vaughan realise they are dealing with some of Dublin's most vicious criminals - and that they seem to have an informer within their own ranks.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

TSTL heroine, rampant obvious clues but there were moments that really worked in this story. Could have been better with some better editing.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 16 November, 2016: Reviewed