Death at Wentwater Court by Carola Dunn

Death at Wentwater Court (Daisy Dalrymple Mystery, #1)

by Carola Dunn

No stranger to sprawling country estates, well-heeled Daisy Dalrymple is breaking new ground at Wentwater Court to cover a story for Town & Country magazine. But her interview gives way to interrogation when suave Lord Stephen Astwick meets a chilly end on the tranquil skating pond.

With evidence that his death was anything but accidental, Daisy joins forces with Scotland Yard so the culprit can't slip through their fingers like the unfortunate Astwick slipped through the ice ...

Praise for The Daisy Dalrymple Mysteries:

'Appropriate historical detail and witty dialogue are the finishing touches on this engaging 1920s period piece.'...

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Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

This reminded me of a lot of the interwar stuff I like reading.

Daisy Dalrymple gets caught up in a murder mystery when she goes to photograph a stately home for a magazine in her quest to find a job. While doing this she encounters an interesting detective and finds that everything isn't always straighforward.

I'm looking forward to more in this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 30 July, 2015: Reviewed