Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

If you have been following this blog for any length time, then you know my love for historical romance. I like it all, but I have a love for romances taking place from Tudor to Victorian England. I also have been reading more mystery lately. Not psychological thrillers but plain mysteries. So when I was approached to review The Secret of Scroton Hall, I accepted. I am glad that I did!!

I enjoyed the mystery angle of the book. It was well written. The author did a great job of keeping both who the victim and the murderer was. I did have 1/3 of the murderer figured out. There was a twist with who the murderer was. As for the victim, I was stunned when that was revealed. The author did a fantastic job of keeping that under wraps too. I figured it out the same time Felicia did. We were both in the same amount of shock.

As for the romance angle of the book, I didn’t see anything until almost the end of the book. The author played down the romance until almost the end of the book. I was glad that the romance was understated. It would have taken away from the mystery angle of the book.

This was also a clean romance. Nothing explicit. There were a couple of kisses and that’s it. Again, I liked it. I have nothing against explicit romances. 90% of my reviews consist of explicit romance. But, ever no and again, I need a change of pace. It was refreshing to read The Secret of Scroton Hall and not have bodice ripping sex every other chapter.

I liked the main characters of The Secret of Scroton Hall. Felicia was a riot. Once she got her teeth into finding out who killed Daisy, she didn’t let go. The only thing that bothered me about her is that she came across as condescending towards the help. Calling everyone “dear” and acting surprised when the butler didn’t seem to care for her. I liked Jonathan also. He came across as a sweetheart.

The end of The Secret of Scroton Hall was excellent. Like I mentioned above, there were several twists in the plotline that took me by surprise. The epilogue was fantastic. I love HEA’s!!

I would give The Secret of Scroton Hall an Older Teen rating. There is no sex. There are two kissing scenes that are tame. There is no language. There is mild violence. I would recommend that no one under the age of 16 read this book.

I would reread The Secret of Scroton Hall. I would also recommend this book to family and friends.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

I would like to thank the author for allowing me to read and review The Secret of Scroton Hall.

All opinions stated in this review of The Secret of Scroton Hall are mine.

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  • 25 March, 2019: Reviewed